Hello friends,
The RDOS Board gave the first reading to the 2021 budget on Jan. 21. The second and third readings are still yet to be determined for February and March, with the final reading also yet to be set in March.
Below is a review of the Area "F" budget presented by Mr. Zaffino the RDOS Chief Financial Officer.
Please note that at 7 min., 12 sec., Mr. Zaffino references a $27.8 million increase for Area "F". He meant a $27,800 increase (phew).
Questions for Mr. Zaffino, please email (budget@rdos.bc.ca) or call 250-490-4230.
Happy to chat as well, anytime. rgettens@rdos.bc.ca or 250-488-0246.
West Bench and Faulder water system ratepayers, I will post once those budgets once they are updated. However, the amounts in the attached PDF are very close.
Please note, we still have a 2nd and 3rd reading to please share your comments and thoughts. 250-488-0246 or rgettens@rdos.bc.ca
Thank you,