Thank you to those who attended the FireSmart 101 presentation on Tuesday, October 12. It was a small turn out but a great start. Thank you, Margaret for putting the information together and starting the discussion. In order for a Greater West Bench FireSmart initiative to gain traction, community involvement is key. The RDOS has, for the first time, a hired FireSmart resource to help communities. There are even funds to help support the work. However, Greater West Bench will not be able to benefit without more community involvement.
If you are interested in volunteering or learning more, please connect with Margaret or myself. Margaret cannot do this alone.
Thanks everyone!
Message from Margaret:
On Saturday, October 23rd there will be a wood chipping truck at West Bench Elementary from 10 am to 1 pm. There will be coffee and hot chocolate, so come by and say hello. I’ll have a table with FireSmart information and look forward to talking to you about how the West Bench can become a FireSmart Neighbourhood.
If you would like to have material picked up from your driveway for chipping please r.s.v.p. with Margaret ( to have wood picked up from your address.
To become a FireSmart community we need a few more people to learn FireSmart assessment skills, since it is a program that depends on community volunteers.
Please consider taking one of these courses:
FireSmart 101 (Online| one hour): FireSmart 101 | FireSmart ( (Click the link to register.)
Local FireSmart Representative Workshop (Online| two half-days) This excellent Zoom seminar is taught by experienced fire personnel from across the province who share lessons learned from some of the biggest fires to affect BC and Alberta towns. Please let me know if you can attend the two-morning workshops either November 3-4th or December 1-2nd.
Please let Riley Gettens or me know if you would consider being part of a West Bench FireSmart Committee to help coordinate activities for our area.